Is Queen Bee a hard boss?

Is Queen Bee a hard boss? The Queen Bee is a pre-Hardmode boss. It does not need to be killed to progress the game, but it has some useful drops and the Witch Doctor NPC will spawn when it is killed.

The Queen Bee is a pre-Hardmode boss. It does not need to be killed to progress the game, but it has some useful drops and the Witch Doctor NPC will spawn when it is killed.

How much health does Master mode Queen Bee have?

Queen Bee Stats
Difficulty Level HP Damage
Classic 3400 30 (melee) 22 (ranged)
Expert 4760 54 (melee) 44 (ranged)
Master 6069 81 (melee) 66 (ranged)

Can you summon Queen Bee above ground?

The Abeemination is an item used to summon the Queen Bee boss. It can only be used in the Jungle or Underground Jungle. Attempting to use it outside of these biomes will have no effect and will not consume the item.

Is Queen Bee a hard boss? – Related Questions

Do you have to fight Queen Bee in the jungle?

Queen Bee is an optional boss residing in the Jungle and is accessible pre-Hardmode. Defeating her is a requirement to get the Witch Doctor NPC to move into your World.

What is in royal jelly?

Composition. Royal jelly is 67% water, 12.5% protein, 11% simple sugars (monosaccharides), 6% fatty acids and 3.5% 10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid (10-HDA).