Is Raiden a Snake clone?

Is Raiden a Snake clone? Raiden is a clon of LiquidSnake, genetic brother of SolidSnake, both clones of BigBoss. So genetically you are using Snake, as Raiden himself says when the game starts.

Raiden is a clon of LiquidSnake, genetic brother of SolidSnake, both clones of BigBoss. So genetically you are using Snake, as Raiden himself says when the game starts.

How tall is Raiden?

Raiden (Mortal Kombat)
Species God
Height 7′ (2.13 m)
Weight 230 lbs (104.3 kg)
Alignment Lawful Good (Old Timeline) Lawful Neutral (Current Timeline)

How old is Jetstream Sam?

My Rating
Affiliation World Martial, Himself
Alias Jetstream Sam, Minuano, The Cool Brazilian Wind
Real Name Samuel Rodrigues
Age 25

Did Sam let Raiden win?

Despite only wearing an exoskeleton pre-2016, Sam was able to fight against the unmanned weapons Blade Wolf and one of Desperado’s Metal Gear RAYs, as well as confronting Armstrong in his peak condition. He was able to duel Raiden twice, defeating him the first time due to his superior swordsmanship skills.

Is Raiden a Snake clone? – Related Questions

Why did Sam give his sword to Raiden?

Sam believed in Blade Wolf enough to entrust him with his final wish under the assumption that he might die during his final battle with Raiden.

Why is Jetstream called Sam?

Trivia. His codename was Minuano, named after the cool Brazilian wind. This follows the Desperado’s use of winds for codenames. He is also referred to as Jetstream Sam.