Is Rikki Barnes Bucky’s daughter?

Is Rikki Barnes Bucky’s daughter? Rikki Barnes was a native to this world and granddaughter to her world’s version of Bucky Barnes. Her brother John was involved with a radical group led by the Red Skull and through that contact she met Captain America, eventually becoming his protégé.

Rikki Barnes was a native to this world and granddaughter to her world’s version of Bucky Barnes. Her brother John was involved with a radical group led by the Red Skull and through that contact she met Captain America, eventually becoming his protégé.

Does Bucky have a sister?

In the comic books, Bucky has a sister named Rebecca, but the two of them were separated at a young age following the deaths of their parents in two unrelated accidents.

Does Steve Rogers have a sister?

His sister whom he loved very much. She was very special to him. Her name was Lily Rogers. Steve had given up hope of finding her since many years had passed.

Who does Rebecca Barnes marry?

Pamela Rebecca Barnes
In-universe information
Stepmother Jamie Ewing Barnes Michelle Stevens
Spouse Christopher Ewing (2012–2013) John Ross Ewing III (2013–)
Grandfathers Willard “Digger” Barnes
Grandmothers Rebecca Barnes Wentworth Arliss Cooper

Is Rikki Barnes Bucky’s daughter? – Related Questions

How long were Bucky and Natasha together?

After their first romantic entanglement in the Red Room, officials put a stop to their relationship by showing Natasha who she was really in love with and giving her a light brainwash. Between that break and their reunion after Bucky finally became Captain America, the couple was apart for around fifty years.