Is Shepard a Marine?

Is Shepard a Marine?

Shepard is part of the Alliance Marine Corps and the N7 special operations force, trained in all matters of infiltration, ground combat, sabotage, etc. Nov 19, 2016

Are the Reapers in Mass Effect: Andromeda?

Despite having the capacity and longevity to travel to and from intergalactic space, writer Mac Walters has revealed that there are no Reapers in the Andromeda Galaxy, the setting of BioWare’s 2017 game Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Is Shepard a clone?

The Clone is one of the two main antagonists of the Citadel DLC in Mass Effect 3, along with Maya Brooks. The Clone is a genetic duplicate of Commander Shepard created by Cerberus during Project Lazarus.

Why did the Illusive Man revive Shepard?

Originally a tool to help recreate limbs and organs for the Lazarus Project, the Cloned Shepard was revived by Maya Brooks in order to take down Shepard in the final moments of the Reaper war and take its place. After escaping with it from the Lazarus Station, Maya managed to avoid Cerberus detection for many months. Jul 26, 2021

Who found Shepard’s body?

Redemption, taking place two years before the second game’s main events, concerns how Shepard’s body was retrieved by Liara T’Soni and then given to Cerberus after the character’s death in Mass Effect 2’s prologue.

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Can you save Anderson ME3?

4 Answers. Show activity on this post. “”Saving”” Anderson means preventing the Ilusive Man from shooting him a second time. There’s no way to avoid his eventual death. Mar 12, 2012

Does EDI survive the destroy ending legendary?

[ME3 ending spoilers] So we know that the destroy blast from the citadel destroys all synthetic life, we are NOT told how it did this. By this point all surviving AI’s are part reaper, the geth and EDI have reaper code, this is how the geth where destroyed but human tech was mostly intact.

Can Shepard survive ME3?

Does Shepard Die in Mass Effect 3? Answered. In almost every ending of Mass Effect 3, Shepard will die in exchange for stopping the Reapers. Both the “Control” and “Synthesis” endings will always lead to Shepard’s death, as his consciousness will need to be infused into the Crucible for them to work. May 25, 2021

Are the asari female?

A mono-gender race, the asari are distinctly feminine in appearance and possess maternal instincts. Their unique physiology, expressed in a millennium-long lifespan and the ability to reproduce with a partner of any gender or species, gives them a conservative yet convivial attitude toward other races.

Does Tali have a crush on Shepard?

Tali has a crush on Shepard. Tali is a potential romance option for a male Shepard.

What planet is Liara on?

TherumLiara is found in the Knossos system in the top-right. First, sweep for Discoveries not just in Knossus, but in the neighboring Athens system in the North-West of the Artemis Tau Cluster. Once there, check out Therum, the second planet orbiting the star. Jan 14, 2022

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Why are Batarians slavers?

Batarian soldiers on Asteroid X57 In 2183, batarian extremists hijack Asteroid X57 in order to use it against the human colony of Terra Nova. Originally intending to just snatch X57’s human engineers and take them as slaves, the batarians brutally executed them and decided to use the asteroid as a weapon.

What is the strongest race in Mass Effect?

10 Strongest Mass Effect Species Ranked 8 Salarians. 7 Turians. 6 Protheans. 5 Krogans. 4 Geth. 3 Reapers. 2 Asari. 1 Humans. More items… • Sep 24, 2020