Is Shrek 108 years old?

Is Shrek 108 years old? did you know that Shrek is 108 years old in the first Shrek movie, making an 86 year age gap between him and Fiona, who’s supposed to be 22?

did you know that Shrek is 108 years old in the first Shrek movie, making an 86 year age gap between him and Fiona, who’s supposed to be 22?

How old is Shrek now?

So assuming she and Shrek are the same age, since that’s how the musical positions things, it’s safe to say that he’s about 30 as well.

What is Shrek’s weight?

Shrek (DreamWorks)
Sex Male
Species Ogre
Height 8ft
Weight 450lbs

How long is Shrek PP?

Running time 90 minutes
Country United States
Language English
Budget $60 million

Is Shrek 108 years old? – Related Questions

What is Shrek’s full name?

Trivia. His full name is Sir Shrek.

How was Shrek born?

Shrek was born to an unnamed father and mother about thirty years prior to when he rescued Fiona. He lived with his parents before he was sent away on his 7th birthday.