Is smite better or sharpness?
Is smite better or sharpness? Although Sharpness is not as effective as Smite, as it does less damage, it is still the better enchantment out of the two. Smite is only useful when dealing with undead mobs. This enchantment will not work on other players, the Ender dragon, spiders, or other non-undead mobs.
Is smite the same as sharpness?
Both Smite and Sharpness will make your enchanted weapon deal more damage. They both come from level 1 to level 5 (or from I to V). The difference is that Sharpness will deal extra damage to every mob or player you will hit, Smite will instead deal extra damage only to undead mobs.
Does smite 5 have one shot zombies?
Does smite 5 have one-shot zombies? Yes, if Smite V is applied to Diamond axes, it can one-shot zombies and skeletons.
Is smite better on a sword or AXE?
This proves that if players are on the Bedrock Edition, they should apply this powerup to swords, as they are more powerful against undead mobs compared to axes. Whereas, if players are on the Java Edition, axes are more powerful if the Smite enchantment is applied, for they can deal more damage than swords.