Is Sony still making PS4 consoles?

Is Sony still making PS4 consoles? After committing to manufacturing more PS4 units earlier this year, Sony has stopped reporting the sales figure for the best-selling console. This just in: Sony has “killed” the PlayStation 4.

After committing to manufacturing more PS4 units earlier this year, Sony has stopped reporting the sales figure for the best-selling console. This just in: Sony has “killed” the PlayStation 4.

Is PS4 discontinued?

In January 2021, Sony Japan confirmed that it was ceasing production of almost all PS4 models. This was unexpected, since the company had earlier claimed it would support the PS4 for several more years. By now, the existing supply of PS4s has largely dried up.

How many PS4 versions are there?

Sony offers 3 versions of this games console; the “standard” PS4 (2013), and the PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro (both 2016).

Can you still buy a brand new PS4?

The best model, the PlayStation 4 Pro, is no longer in production. Sony stopped making that console in late 2020, and there’s little to no remaining stock. So, you can expect to pay a premium for it on many online stores. The only version of the console still in production is the PS4 Slim.

Is Sony still making PS4 consoles? – Related Questions

Why are there no PlayStation 4 available?

According to the report, an internal plan had projected an end to the production of the system in 2021, but the ongoing shortages will cause the company to build about a million PS4s in 2022, according to sources.