Is Togepi a girl or boy?

Is Togepi a girl or boy?
Togepi (トゲピー) is the 46th Pokémon in the Johto Pokédex. It is a Fairy-Type, formerly Normal-Type, and is known as the Spike Ball Pokémon.Togepi.

Togepi トゲピー
Gender Ratio

Male: 87.5%
Female: 12.5%

Evolves From
Evolves Into


Togepi (トゲピー) is the 46th Pokémon in the Johto Pokédex. It is a Fairy-Type, formerly Normal-Type, and is known as the Spike Ball Pokémon.


Togepi トゲピー
Gender Ratio
Male: 87.5% Female: 12.5%
Evolves From Evolves Into
None Togetic

Is Misty older than Ash?

Misty is one companion that’s older. She’s actually 13 compared to his 10. This probably explains why she’s slightly taller than Ash in the early seasons of the anime. At least she’s 13 in The Electric Tale of Pikachu manga, a loose retelling of the anime.

What animal is Togekiss?

Biology. Togekiss is a white, avian Pokémon with an ovoid body.

Is Togekiss a male?

Togekiss (トゲキッス) is the 175th Pokémon in the Sinnoh Pokédex. It is a Fairy/Flying-Type, formerly Normal/Flying-Type, and is known as the Jubilee Pokémon.


Togekiss トゲキッス
4′11″ (1.5m) 83.8 lbs. (38.0kg)
Gender Ratio
Male: 87.5% Female: 12.5%
Evolves From Evolves Into

Is Togepi a girl or boy? – Related Questions

Is there a mega Togekiss?

While many beloved Pokémon received Mega Evolutions in Pokémon X and Y and Pokémon Sun and Moon, Togekiss currently cannot Mega Evolve. This means, unfortunately, that there is no such thing as Mega Togekiss in the official canon.