Let’s pull it together.
COVID-19 is without a questions the biggest challenge humanity has faced at least since the World War II. What’s fascinating is the work of millions of people all developing creative solutions. Humanity needed a common enemy to oin forces and finally something that isn’t giving us a choice has come up.
Don’t get me wrong. This is a BAD situation. Humanity is at risk and I’m scared for my wife, my dogs, parents, brothers, family, friends and literally anyone who has a heart and blood through their veins.
However falling victim to the panic isn’t helping anyone. We MUST focus on providing the best solutions humanity has ever seen.
Can you imagine this catastrophe hitting us in 1990 with no internet, little cellphone connection and depending only in TV and newspaper to learn about the virus? How many people would’ve died before China’s virus data reached every single country out there?
We have so many tools at our reach this days we need to pull them all together and provide solutions for everyone. Specially those who can’t stay at home.
BLUErabbit has solved some issues in education in the past but we are now commited to upscale our service to improve the lives of every single kid out there who requires better learning.
I hope all schoolsl understand the need of a digital engaging software that will help teachers improve learning without them having to be in the room. It’s also really important to understand that no school system can function without teachers. It may work without walls, but not without those caring for learning and developing the content our children need to become better.
Teachers are and will always be the front-line fighters for the learning system. For them, another type of heroes, we will be providing a couple of webinars through the next weeks to help them learn how to increase motivation and engagement in what now will become the new normal for quite a while.
I believe the most important teaching COVID-19 is bringing is that schools will change forever (as the working environment, but that’s another post…) and learning what will help players progress and what won’t is fundamental to ensure our younger generations reach new heights of knowledge.
I hope for the best outcome for humanity. I believe we are all capable of joining forces and defeat this challenge.
#Stayathome and don’t fall in despair. We will come out of this better than before. Humanity has 7.7 billion brains . All of them willing to survive.
May the force be with us.