Mailbox: Mother Remakes, Dual Screens, Washing Machines – Nintendo Life Letters

Mailbox: Mother Remakes, Dual Screens, Washing Machines - Nintendo Life Letters

Issue #6 – November 2023.

Welcome back to the Nintendo Life Mailbox. It’s November and we’re knee-deep in new releases as publishers scramble to get their games live on the Switch eShop ahead of the lucrative Holiday season. We’ve been averaging over a review a day here on Nintendo Life since September and we’re still not able to cover everything we’d like. So. Many. Games!

But enough complaining about all the great games we’re not able to play because of all the great games we’re playing — it’s time for our monthly letters page feature. Got something you want to get off your chest? We’re ready and waiting to read about your game-related ponderings.

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