New Apex Legends Survival Item Reportedly Leaked

New Apex Legends Survival Item Reportedly Leaked

According to a video created by well-known Apex Legends YouTuber and dataminer iLootGames, a third survival item may be joining the ground loot pool sometime in the future: the Remote Banner Recovery. The item is one of the few in-game surprises that the popular YouTuber didn’t datamine himself. Instead, he says the leak came from a trusted source: An Apex Legends playtester.

According to the playtester who leaked the item, the Remote Banner Recovery is exactly what it sounds like: A tool that allows players to retrieve a teammate’s Banner Card without having to physically walk up to their deathbox, making it a huge boon to players who are missing a teammate and can’t afford to lose another, or who are attempting to recover a Banner Card from a deathbox that happens to be in the middle of an active firefight. Similar to the Heat Shield–another survival item–the Remote Banner Recovery appears to have two charges.

Survival items have their own dedicated spot in each player’s inventory, and only one can be carried at a time. Currently, there are only two of these items in the game: The Heat Shield, which protects players from taking ring damage for a short amount of time, and the Mobile Respawn Beacon, which allows players to respawn their squadmates anywhere, anytime–a valuable tool when no regular Respawn Beacons are available.

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