Nintendo To Go In 'Different Direction' To Current AI Trends, Says Miyamoto

Nintendo To Go In 'Different Direction' To Current AI Trends, Says Miyamoto

Music to our ears.

AI is, for better or worse, one of the hot topics of 2024. It’s bloomin’ everywhere at the moment. Naturally, there’s a lot of speculation on whether major video game companies will implement the technology into their work (and many, it seems, already have), but Nintendo fans will no doubt be delighted to hear that the Japanese firm may be steering its ship in a completely different direction.

In fact, famed creator Shigeru Miyamoto pretty much said as much during a recent interview with The New York Times (thanks, IGN). In discussing Nintendo’s ongoing approach with game development, he mentioned AI as a key topic that the company is aware of, but perhaps not interested in pursuing (at least, not in the same way as its peers).

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