Original Mass Effect writer was surprised people wanted to bone Garrus

Original Mass Effect writer was surprised people wanted to bone Garrus

In a recent AMA on Reddit, lead writer on the first two Mass Effect games Drew Karpyshyn expressed surprise at people getting horny for Garrus.

An important thing to consider when writing a story of any kind, is that if you make any kind of humanoid race that can bone, people will want to bone it. Characters like Garrus might not be to your taste, but plenty of people would happily bend over backwards for the turian, much to Karpyshyn’s surprise.

“We always knew they’d come back as companions,” wrote Karpyshyn in the AMA when asked about how Garrus and Tali were brought in as romance options for Mass Effect 2. “I was a bit surprised fans wanted the romance options. Tali I could sort of see… you never saw her face, so it was easy to imagine something vaguely human. (But she had those weird feet!) Garrus blindsided me—but once we saw what fans wanted, we decided to deliver!”

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