Pharma 2021: Key considerations for the move towards the Hybrid Sales Model

Pharma 2021: Key considerations for the move towards the Hybrid Sales Model

The pharmaceutical and healthcare sector has been forced to change the way it connects, educates and engages with HCPs through new digital channels because of Covid-19. The days when a pharma rep can walk into any doctors’ office at a specific time and expect to see the doctor if they were patient enough, could soon be a distant memory. A study conducted by the NIH (National Library of Medicine) reveals that 88% of doctors use their mobile phone frequently to stay updated on new trends, drugs or treatments. So what can sales reps do to stay connected with HCPs?


In order to achieve the same degree of pre-pandemic efficiency, pharmaceutical companies must coordinate both face-to-face interactions and remote calls. Those that are able to adapt to the needs of physicians and improve their digital reach will be able to elevate and transform their relationships to another level. In-house training is the key to sales success and sales reps’ ability to adapt to this new model. 

There are currently 3 types of doctors and healthcare professionals: 

a) Those who prefer only “face-to-face” interactions.

b) Those who think that only remote sales reps will exist.

c) Those who expect a hybrid interaction between sales rep and HCP.

At Compettia we have worked with 9 of the world’s TOP 10 pharmaceutical companies and have developed many different plans for increased communication and the creation of new channels for interaction between sales reps and HCPs. For this reason, we have collected the main considerations for this transition to a new hybrid sales model. Let’s get started! 

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