Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is brilliantly ambitious, but possibly too much for the hardware it has to run on.

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is brilliantly ambitious, but possibly too much for the hardware it has to run on.

^Stay tuned for our extensive video preview with brand new footage!

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is a return to the mainline series, but it brings over a lot of elements from the Pokémon Legends Arceus spin-off which came out at the start of this year, including the open-world flourishes that many compared favourably to Breath of the Wild.

Our resident jRPG and Nintendo fanatic Alex Donaldson had an extensive hands-on session with the new game and found a compelling, active world to explore full of series innovations alongside more traditional touches. Classic Pokéball catching makes a return, and so do Pokémon Centres, but these are also dotted arouind in the field in the form of outside kiosks. Modern convenience! Read his full preview here.

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