Random: Oops! Nintendo's Doug Bowser Makes Amusing Zelda Typo On Twitter

Random: Oops! Nintendo's Doug Bowser Makes Amusing Zelda Typo On Twitter

Hy-what now?

With the news of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom reaching an incredible 10 million copies sold within its first three days of sale, key members of Nintendo itself are naturally keen to acknowledge the milestone.

Indeed, Nintendo of America’s President, Doug Bowser, took to Twitter to thank fans for their unwavering support, but in doing so managed to make a rather amusing mistake in the process. Whether a result of autocorrect being a little too strict at the time or a genuine mistake from Mr. Bowser himself, his tweet mentioned ‘Hyland’ instead of ‘Hyrule’. Check it out:

Read the full article on nintendolife.com