Review: Harvest Moon: The Winds Of Anthos – Terrible Title, Pretty Alright Game

Review: Harvest Moon: The Winds Of Anthos - Terrible Title, Pretty Alright Game

Harvest Dew.

If the ‘Uncanny Valley’ is the term for something being almost-human-but-not-quite, then Harvest Moon: Winds of Anthos is in the Uncanny Stardew Valley. It’s so close to being a really good farming sim game, but doesn’t quite manage to hit the mark. However, for the first time in the turbulent and confusing history of Natsume’s Harvest Moon games, it’s actually… fun.

The story is the same old, same old: the Harvest Goddess disappears after some catastrophic geographical event, and it’s up to us to restore her and the world through the power of farming. The twist here is that a volcano erupted, and Ms. Goddess decided to build a bunch of walls around all the villages, thus both protecting them and isolating them in one fell swoop. You’ll have to dismantle the walls, befriend the Sprites living inside them, and revitalise the towns within, mostly by completing various fetch quests. The story doesn’t make a lot of sense — everyone is very chill about getting separated from their families for a decade — but it’s good enough to get started with.

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