Review: Roller Champions – Passable F2P Action, But Barebones And Sorely Lacking On Switch

Review: Roller Champions - Passable F2P Action, But Barebones And Sorely Lacking On Switch

Rocket… Beague???

Everybody has to have their own, right? Once a breakout game becomes a huge sensation, everyone scrambles to have their own version. PUBG did it for Battle Royales and Overwatch for Hero Shooters; these are a dime a dozen now, with series like Call of Duty and Resident Evil having their own takes of varying quality (or sometimes, multiple takes in CoD’s case). One of these breakout hits was Rocket League, and while not an exact analogue for Rocket League, Roller Champions is Ubisoft’s attempt to scratch that over-the-top sports game itch. Launching in May on PS4, Xbox One, and PC, Ubisoft’s free-to-play skater, Roller Champions has rolled onto the Switch out of nowhere, with a surprise launch on a Tuesday. A pleasant surprise, we hoped, but sadly it’s not looking good.

Roller Champions is a 3v3 team-based sport ‘em up. Half-roller derby, half-basketball, the basic gist is that teams must gain and stay in possession of the ball, do laps around the arena and score five points by throwing the ball through a ring. Once the opposing team gains possession of the ball, your lap progress is reset and it’s back to square one. One lap equals one point, two laps equal three points, and three laps equal five, the achievement of which ends the match instantly. We really like this lap system; it offers a great risk vs reward formula in which you could play it safe by doing one lap and guaranteeing a point, or risk losing all of your progress to go big.

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