Season 6: Devil May Cry 2 | Video Gameography

Season 6: Devil May Cry 2 | Video Gameography

Let’s rock, baby! Season 6 of Video Gameography gets stylish as we examine the Devil May Cry series! Over the next few weeks, we’ll be covering the history and lore of Capcom’s premiere action franchise. This week we go all the way to hell with Dante as we unpack the mysterious low-point in the series, Devil May Cry 2.

Releasing a short 15 months after the release of Devil May Cry, Dante returns with a 2-disc adventure that’s more often than not seen as the worst game in the series, and there are very good reasons as to why it turned out that way. In this episode of Video Gameography, we talk about the tumultuous development cycle that didn’t include the team behind DMC, Team Little Devils. From an unknown first director to arcade-focused developers making their first console game and a late transition of direction, Devil May Cry 2 has all of the trappings of a project that would have been canceled. That is, if not for the man who would shepherd the series for years to come. 

Join hosts Marcus Stewart (@MarcusStewart7), John Carson (@John_Carson), along with Game Informer Editor-In-Chief Andrew Reiner (@Andrew_Reiner) 

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