Should I focus on Paragon or Renegade? Should You be Paragon or Renegade in Mass Effect? For the most part, this decision really comes down to your preferred playstyle. Players that focus on teamwork and are more passive will want to go with Paragon. Players that are more aggressive and enjoy wracking up kills will likely go with Renegade.
Should You be Paragon or Renegade in Mass Effect? For the most part, this decision really comes down to your preferred playstyle. Players that focus on teamwork and are more passive will want to go with Paragon. Players that are more aggressive and enjoy wracking up kills will likely go with Renegade.
As well, in the original Mass Effect 1, the Level Cap was 50 until you completed the story once, after which the Level Cap was raised to 60 for all saves. In Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, the Level Cap is 60 right off the bat.
Is renegade evil Mass Effect?
While Renegades aren’t necessarily “evil” in the same way that some of the… less than good player characters in other RPGs with morality systems tend to be, it’s worth noting that you can still get that cool “Sith-style” scarred face in Mass Effect if you go full Renegade.
Is Shepard Renegade or Paragon?
Being Paragon or Renegade will greatly impact Shepard’s dialogue and quick-time actions throughout the games. Overall, it can be said that Renegade Shepard’s dialogue is much funnier and more memorable. After all, Paragon Shepard is patient and kind which leaves little room for “creativity”.
Should I focus on Paragon or Renegade? – Related Questions
Is Commander Shepard a war criminal?
Villainous Actions. The “Ruthless” backstory, where Shepard is as a war criminal known to Batarians as “The Butcher of Torfan”.
Why does renegade Shepard have red eyes?
If Commander Shepard accrues enough Renegade points in either Mass Effect 2 or 3, they will have extremely prominent, glowing red scars across their face. Gaining a high number of Renegade points also makes the Commander’s eyes glow the same red.
Does Mass Effect 1 have multiple endings?
The first Mass Effect title comes with two endings that don’t significantly influence the sequels but still serve some purpose for Shepard.
What happens if you choose to control the Reapers?
Mass Effect 3’s control ending is effectively the trilogy’s Paragon ending. If the player chooses to have Shepard assume control of the Reapers the harvest is stopped, the Mass Relay system is rebuilt by the now-benevolent Reapers, and all synthetic life survives.
Can you save everyone in Mass Effect?
If you want to bring a love interest with you on the squad, pick them second on the Squad Select screen. If you do so, Shepard will save them specifically after killing the final boss, as well as go to them first in the aftermath.
Is there a way to save Wrex?
If you complete the Wrex Family Armor mission prior to going to Virmire, Wrex will trust you as long as you say the following dialog lines when prompted: “I wouldn’t do this otherwise” & “We are.” If you do this right, you can save Wrex without having to worry about your Charm/Intimidate levels.
If you want the perfect ending where Shepard lives, you’ll want Wrex. No in the long run killing wrex and saving malons data will give you the most war asset points. This is all because you are able to sabotage the cure if you do otherwise wrex will find out and withdraw krogan support.
How much Paragon should I save for Wrex?
The most obvious way to get Wrex to stand down on Virmire in Mass Effect is to use the Charm or Intimidate dialogue options. To do this, Shepard needs to have a high Paragon or Renegade score and at least 8 points in either the Charm or Intimidate skill.
What happens if Wrex dies in me1?
If Wrex dies, you automatically get his equipment back.
Why does Ashley shoot Wrex?
Shepard can signal Ashley Williams to shoot him, or, if Shepard spends too long in conversation with Wrex, Ashley will shoot him in order to protect Shepard. Alternatively, Shepard can shoot Wrex themself, though Kaidan will pass some judgment on the Commander.
Who replaces Wrex?
If a save is imported where Wrex was killed at the stand off in Virmine in Mass Effect, his role will be replaced by his broodbrother, Urdnot Wreav.
Who should I bring to Virmire?
Tali and Wrex are good examples of squadmates to bring along. Tali in particular has both a shotgun and tech talents that can help stop incoming fire. Wrex on the other hand brings biotic talents to knock down his fellow krogan and the occasional geth.
Is it better to save Ashley or Kaiden?
Kaiden may be the stronger choice, but Ashley isn’t without her merits. Those who are looking for more character development and growth would be better off saving Ashley, especially if Shepard is romancing her. By the time of Mass Effect 3, Ashley has undergone a modicum of personal growth.
Because you’re the commander, you have to make a clear decision about this moment, and unfortunately, there’s no way you can pick to save them both. You have to choose one or the other. If you choose to go with Ashley, regardless of her location, you will lose Kaidan. If you pick to go with Kaidan, Ashley will perish.
Should I save Ashley or Kaidan?
It all depends what you would like your setup to be, although Kaidan with his Biotics seem like a better choice in regards to practical uses. On the other hand, Ashley is way easier to increase your bond with, since she is much more easy-going and can get along with you really well.
Does it matter who goes with Salarians?
As you explore the base on Virmire, you’ll have to send either Ashley or Kaiden to work with some Salarians led by Captain Kirrahe. This choice doesn’t matter too much, but if one of them is a core member of your squad, gameplay-wise, do not send them, as you won’t be able to bring them with you.
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