Should I spend platinum on Warframe?

Should I spend platinum on Warframe?

Do NOT spend it on Warframes themselves, and DEFINITELY not on weapons. They’re obscenely overpriced in terms of Platinum and are much easier to craft. Instead, it’s best to buy weapon and Warframe slots, because the lack of slots is basically the only major paywall in the game.

How do I verify my Warframe market account?

Go to and Login. Then go to Forum. Compose new Message for our bot(WarMarketMan), you can use direct link: Click to compose. Fill the fields in this way: … Send message. Done. … If everything is fine, bot has read your message and the message was correct, your account will be verified. Nov 2, 2017

What planet is Cetus?

Earth Cetus is a village built by the Ostrons, located to the north of Mantle, Earth.

What mastery rank do you have to be to trade?

2 – You must have a Mastery Rank of 2 or higher and Two-Factor Authentication enabled in order to trade.

Where is Saya in Warframe?

Cetus Saya is an elderly Ostron who lives in the outskirts of Cetus, distraught over the loss of her husband Onkko for five years. After the players have finished Saya’s Vigil, she can be seen standing besides Konzu, just across the gate to the Plains of Eidolon.

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Is Maroo a Grineer?

Maroo is a thief who helps the Tenno and the Lotus uncover the Arcane Codices after being hunted by her former employers, the Grineer, during the Stolen Dreams quest. As a thief, her interests lay in anything that helps her in the pursuit of money and riches.

Where do I turn in Ayatan sculptures?

Each Sculpture can have 3 to 5 sockets available for slotting, with each slot requiring a particular type of Ayatan Star depending on the type of Sculpture. Sculptures can be sold on Mars at Maroo’s Bazaar for Endo.

How do you trade without a dojo?

If you don’t have a dojo to host trades with, one option is Maroo’s Bazaar. This relay station is currently orbiting Mars. When entering Maroo’s Bazaar, you’ll sometimes be given a choice of an instance to join based on population. May 8, 2018

Can you trade non prime Warframe parts?

Normal Warframe components can’t be traded between players, and neither can fully crafted weapons or Prime Warframes, as only their constituent parts and incomplete blueprints are fair game. Aug 17, 2018

Can you trade crafted Prime parts?

You can trade fully-built prime parts. … The only things one can trade are: Prime Parts and Blueprints, Mods, Platinum, Sortie Rewards. Syndicate weapons and Void trader weapons (for weapons they HAVE to be completely unused so unranked,no catalyst and no forma). Dec 13, 2015

How many Warframes can you own?

A: The number of certain items you can store in your inventory is limited by slots. From the start you have slots for 2 Warframes, 8 weapons (primary, secondary and melee), 8 Sentinels or their weapons and 2 Kubrows.

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How much do Rhinos sell?

Hi, Rhino Prime is currently selling for around 300-500 Platinum.

Whats the best Warframe?

Warframe: 15 Best Warframes Everyone Should Know 8 Octavia. 9 Wisp. … 10 Saryn. … 11 Protea. … 12 Rhino. … 13 Gara. … 14 Nekros. … 15 Nezha. Players looking for an interesting, high-mobility warframe that is capable of filling multiple roles should check out Nezha. … More items… • Jan 2, 2022