Should I watch Thor before Iron Man 3?

Should I watch Thor before Iron Man 3?

Thor: The Dark World (2013) The Disney Plus timeline puts Thor: The Dark World just before Iron Man 3, though Marvel’s own timeline reverses the two. Apr 13, 2021

Who killed malekith?

KurseKurse, the being formerly known as Algrim, saw through Malekith’s disguise when he reached Asgard City. Kurse then broke Malekith’s neck, apparently slaying him.

Is Thor 2 or Iron Man 3 first?

Thor (2011) The Avengers (2012) Iron Man 3 (2012) Thor: The Dark World (2013) Jan 19, 2022

What’s Peter Parker’s real name?

Peter Benjamin ParkerSpider-Man Peter Parker Spider-Man First appearance Amazing Fantasy #15 (August 1962) Created by Stan Lee Steve Ditko In-story information Alter ego Peter Benjamin Parker 9

Who is the best Spider-Man?

1. Tom Holland. It’s really hard to get any better than the latest actor who plays the live-action Spider-Man. Dec 27, 2021

Why is Spider-Man not an avenger?

In terms of contracts, Sony had no right to include the Avengers, as they either had yet to be purchased or were under Disney’s jurisdiction. It wasn’t until Sony and Disney joined forces for Captain America: Civil War that Spider-Man’s MCU debut was possible, and thus became mutually beneficial for both companies. Jan 8, 2022

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What is Spider-Man’s weakness?

Anti-Venom becomes the new alter ego of Eddie Brock after his days of Venom are behind him. Anti-Venom has proven to be Spider-Man’s weakness whenever he’s close by due to the way that it affects the radiation poison that’s in Peter’s blood. Dec 22, 2021

What is Spider-Man number?

Spider-Man (Max Borne), also known as Spider-Man 2211, is a superhero who appears in comics published by Marvel Comics.

Is Peter Parker a clone?

Ben Reilly is a genetic clone of Peter Parker, the super hero Spider-Man, who went on to determine his own identity as the Scarlet Spider. Ben was created by Miles Warren, the super villain known as the Jackal, to torment the hero, and seemingly died in their first encounter.

Who is the weakest Spider-Man?

Andrew Garfield is arguably the weakest live-action Spider-Man we’ve had up to this point, but it’s hard to blame that on Garfield entirely. Dec 14, 2021

What was Spider-Man’s last words?

However, as the Russo brothers revealed in an interview at New York’s Four Seasons hotel one week after the film’s release, Spider-Man’s death scene was always meant to be a tearjerker, with the lines “”I don’t feel so good”” and his final words, “”I’m sorry,”” written in the script. May 7, 2018

Who was the 1st Spider-Man?

In Spider-Man’s first story, in Marvel Comics’ Amazing Fantasy, no. 15 (1962), American teenager Peter Parker, a poor sickly orphan, is bitten by a radioactive spider. As a result of the bite, he gains superhuman strength, speed, and agility along with the ability to cling to walls. Feb 3, 2022

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How did Howard Stark destroy the Vanko family?

Vanko designed and constructed an exoskeleton with two electrified whips which could cut through almost anything, powered by a miniature Arc Reactor, to use against Tony Stark in an aggressive effort to discredit and kill him, thus securing revenge for his father.