Soapbox: 20 Years After His Last Mainline Appearance, Tingle Deserves A Comeback

Soapbox: 20 Years After His Last Mainline Appearance, Tingle Deserves A Comeback

Yes, TWENTY years.

Soapbox features enable our individual writers and contributors to voice their opinions on hot topics and random stuff they’ve been chewing over. Today, Jim is manifesting a comeback for Zelda’s most iconic NPC…

If you have made it past the headline, chances are you fall into one of the following camps. One: You believe that Tingle deserves another mainline Zelda appearance. Two: You hate Tingle and everything he stands for. Three: You think we must have made a typo because there’s no way it’s been 20 years since Tingle last appeared in a mainline game. Four: A strange combination of all the above. Well, buckle up buddy, because here comes the cold, hard facts.

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