The Gamification of Higher Education

The Gamification of Higher Education

On this week’s Gamification Talk Radio program my guest is Dr. David Chandross and our topic is:  The Gamification of Higher Education.

David has been involved in fascinating research on gamification for health professions and other big projects such as: the training of health care professionals in geriatric care; the conversion of undergraduate degree courses into gamified systems; and the gamification of drug addiction management.

In today’s episode we discuss such questions as:
What benefits does gamification provide for health care, higher education and addiction treatment?Who is doing the cutting edge of research in Canada in this field?Which projects are you currently working on?What is the current priority in gamification research?Do gamified courses provide any measurable advantages for students?What is the future of gamification in higher education?

About David Chandross, B.Sc., M.Sc., M.Ed., Ph.D.: A curriculum designer specializing in gamification in the health professions. He holds a doctorate in medical education and masters degrees in both medical education and cognitive neuroscience. He was a pioneer in the field of game-based learning in the teaching undergraduate health sciences students in medical, nursing and midwifery education and then went on to participate as a researcher in the 5-year, $3M SAGE study at Simon Fraser University under David Kaufman. His early work in gamification of nursing STEM courses is documented in the February 2014 edition of the journal “University Affairs”.

His current research focus is on game-based systems to increase social connectedness in seniors and the development of mastery-based systems for the improvement of cognitive performance and behavioral change in medicine. He is currently engaged in studies in the use of serious games in seniors education and social connectedness funded through Simon Fraser University and a study in the use of serious games in the management of adolescent addiction funded by the College of Family Physicians.
Connect with David:

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About Your Host:  A gamification speaker and designer, Monica Cornetti is rated as a #1 Gamification Guru in the World by UK-Based Leaderboarded. She is the author of the book Totally Awesome Training Activity Guide: Put Gamification to Work for You, and writes The Gamification Report blog. Monica’s niche isgamification used in the corporate environment for engaging and motivating your workforce.

Connect with Monica (@monicacornetti)