Trying to make friends who could stay up all night and have fun

I have come to the realization that my group of friends are simply not at my level when it comes to trying to stay up and have fun. Even when I go to have sleepovers, I'm either one of the only ones up or I end up falling asleep too because everyone else fell asleep. I've tried looking for online friends or even downloading apps, but it's always people joking around or wanting to sext, and because I have posted a few things on Reddit before and I've gotten pretty good, consistent, honest answers, I'm hoping this is a better platform to make friends. I've also recently gotten a PS4 because my stepbrother stole my Xbox a few years back. So even though I've only had it for about 8 months, I have a ton of games that I play pretty consistently. And I'm not one of those people who spend every waking moment playing games all day and tbh I'm not someone you would call a gamer either, I just play when I've gotten everything done at the end of the day AT NIGHT, so I'm only really up and playing at night since I also have school, and because I've been slacking for 2 years, everyone else has gotten bored of playing games that I find interesting, so if anybody still plays consistently, I'll literally play anything with anyone, just send me a message and I'll give you my user. But I'm only looking for people around my age or a bit older because I don't want to keep finding and playing with little kids in these games💀. So to give you a rundown of who I am, I'm a 18-year-old female, and I'm just trying to find a friend who plays consistently enough for me to pass the time, AT NIGHT.

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submitted by /u/Cheap-Steak-6596