Who is Goku’s first son? Who is Goku's first son? Son Gohan (Japanese: 孫 悟飯) is a fictional character in the Dragon Ball manga series, created by Akira Toriyama. Gohan is introduced as the first son of the protagonist Goku, and his wife Chi-Chi, in chapter #196 "Kakarrot", published in Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine on...
How old is Goku? How old is Goku? While there is still much to be revealed, it has been implied that the events of the film take place around a year before the Peaceful World Saga. Therefore, Goku is estimated to be around 46 years old at the start of the film....
What is Goku’s son’s name? What is Goku's son's name? Son Gohan. Son Gohan (孫悟飯) is Goku's eldest son with Chi-Chi, who first appears at the age of four. He is kidnapped by Goku's brother, Raditz, and locked up in a space pod....
How old is Goku in GT? How old is Goku in GT? Goku in Dragon Ball GT Dragon Ball GT opens five years later, upon the completion of Uub's training. This makes Goku physically 42 and chronologically 49....
Why is Goku a kid in GT? Why is Goku a kid in GT? In Dragon Ball GT In the anime-only sequel series, Dragon Ball GT, Goku is transformed back into a child by an accidental wish made by his old enemy Pilaf using the Black Star Dragon Balls while Pilaf was about to wish to take...
Why is Goku a monkey? Why is Goku a monkey? Goku first appears in Dragon Ball as a monkey-tailed child adopted by the hermit martial artist Gohan. Before the series' narrative begins, he accidentally and unknowingly kills Gohan when he temporarily transforms into the mighty Ōzaru after staring at a full moon....