VG247's The Best Games Ever Podcast – Ep.46: The best game that features a 90s star

For all of its faults, the one thing you can say about Crime Boss: Rockay City is that Vanilla Ice is in it. Which reminded us of a thing that happened a while back: it was called “the nineties”, and it had loads of good stuff, like the Amiga, Fido Dido, and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
But the nineties were a great time for personalities. Snoop Dogg. Pamela Anderson. Tony Blair. Loads of them. Chyna from the wrestling. The Churchill insurance dog. Bob Mortimer. I could go on. But it was a long decade and there were literally billions of people involved (George Clooney, there’s another one). The question we’re asking today is: what is the best video game that features a 90s star? As ever, the game is in how you interpret the question. To find out which game (and 90s ‘sleb) gets inducted into the VG247 Hall of Fame, you’ll have to listen to our podcast. Luckily for you, this is it here.
Just FYI, not a single person said Rise of the Tomb Raider, which would obviously have been the winning choice, given that it’s excellent, features possibly the most 90s star imaginable in Lara Croft, and represents a late 20th century new-media fusion of art and personality the likes of which we had never experienced before, but nowadays we take for granted because we have vtubers and Damon Albarn pretending to be a cartoon and all that carry on.
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