What are 21 questions to ask a girl?

What are 21 questions to ask a girl?

GOOD 21 QUESTIONS TO ASK A GIRL OR GUY What are five words you would use to describe yourself? What are five words you think other people would use to describe you? What is your dream vacation? If you could have a house by the ocean or in the mountains, which would you choose? What does your dream house look like? More items…

What questions make a girl blush?

Flirty questions to ask a girl: the complete set There’s just something about you. …You drive me a little crazy, you know that? You know you’re amazing right? Wanna get outta here? What would you say if I asked you out to dinner? Do you believe in love at first sight? What’s behind that smile of yours I wonder? More items… • Mar 1, 2019

Is the game 20 or 21 questions?

All other players are questioners. They each take turns asking a question which can be answered with a simple “”yes”” or “”no””. In variants of the game, multiple state answers may be included such as the answer “”maybe””. The answerer answers each question in turn. … Television. 20 Questions Related shows 20Q (2009) 20

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Who is the most popular Animal Crossing villager?

The 10 Most Popular Animal Crossing: New Horizons Villagers 1 Cherry The Big Sister Dog. 2 Stitches The Lazy Bear. …3 Ankha The Egyptian Themed Cat. …4 Raymond The Rare Cat. …5 Marina The Pink Octopus. …6 Judy The Kawaii Bear Cub. …7 Marshal The Smug Squirrel. …8 Shino The Peppy Deer. …More items… • Feb 10, 2022

Who is the rarest Animal Crossing villager?

The rarest villager in Animal Crossing is the octopus. What is this? Octavian is an octopus character who has appeared in every game in the series. Dec 1, 2021

What Animal Crossing villager should I get?

The Villager Tier List ranks villager popularity in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) Switch. … Best Villager Tier List. Rank Villager Personality 1st Raymond Smug (Kiza) 2nd Marshal Smug (Kiza) 3rd Marina Normal (Futsuu) 4th Zucker Lazy (Bonyari) 123• Oct 6, 2021

How do you get cute villagers in Animal Crossing?

A great way to hunt for Villagers is to get on some Mystery Island Tours; each island you visit will have a different villager waiting for you to bring them home! After you invite a villager to come live on your island, any other Mystery Island you visit will no longer have have Villagers on them! Dec 9, 2021

Why is Raymond so popular?

Raymond certainly has some features that make him stand out from the rest of the villagers in the game. His smug personality also makes him rather lovable, thereby making him a hot pick among New Horizons players when choosing residents for their islands. Jan 22, 2022

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Who is the cutest villager in Animal Crossing?

The 19 Cutest Villagers From Animal Crossing, Ranked 8 Merengue the Rhino. …7 Kiki the Cat. …6 Sylvana the Squirrel. …5 Lolly the Cat. …4 Judy the Cub. …3 Kid Cat the Cat. …2 Dom the Sheep. …1 Molly the Duck. Few creatures are more adorable than a little duckling, and the moment you meet Molly, you want to protect her. More items… • Nov 5, 2021

Is Shino rare ACNH?

Looking at cost over popularity, Shino is currently the game’s most pricey villager, with Ione coming in second place at 10 million Bells and 400 NMT, followed by Quinn at 8,250,000 Bells and 60 NMT. Nov 9, 2021

Is Marty rare ACNH?

Marty is a lazy cub Villager with a name that is pretty damn spot on. However, he’s one of the rare Villagers that wasn’t in any game from release. Apr 15, 2021

Is Raymond the rarest villager?

Since 2020, Raymond has always secured the top spots in most of the players’ list owing to his unique and attractive eyes. However, this time, another Sanrio villager is now the rarest villager in ACNH.

Is Kyle a rare villager?

Kyle is a smug wolf villager in the Animal Crossing series who first appears in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. … Page actions. Villager list ← More wolf characters → More smug villagers Feb 20, 2022