What are 4 examples of quadratic equation?

What are 4 examples of quadratic equation?
Examples include:

2x² – 64 = 0.
x² – 16 = 0.
9x² + 49 = 0.
-2x² – 4 = 0.
4x² + 81 = 0.
-x² – 9 = 0.
3x² – 36 = 0.
6x² + 144 = 0.

Examples include:
  • 2x² – 64 = 0.
  • x² – 16 = 0.
  • 9x² + 49 = 0.
  • -2x² – 4 = 0.
  • 4x² + 81 = 0.
  • -x² – 9 = 0.
  • 3x² – 36 = 0.
  • 6x² + 144 = 0.

What are the 3 formula in quadratic equation?

There are three basic methods for solving quadratic equations: factoring, using the quadratic formula, and completing the square. To solve a quadratic equation by factoring, Put all terms on one side of the equal sign, leaving zero on the other side.

What are the 8 quadratic formulas?

The quadratic equation in its standard form is ax2 + bx + c = 0, where a and b are the coefficients, x is the variable, and c is the constant term. The first condition for an equation to be a quadratic equation is the coefficient of x2 is a non-zero term(a ≠ 0).

What are 5 methods of solving a quadratic equation?

There are several methods you can use to solve a quadratic equation: Factoring Completing the Square Quadratic Formula Graphing
  • Factoring.
  • Completing the Square.
  • Quadratic Formula.
  • Graphing.

What are 4 examples of quadratic equation? – Related Questions

Who gave quadratic formula?

The quadratic formula covering all cases was first obtained by Simon Stevin in 1594.