What are the cheat codes for Ark?

What are the cheat codes for Ark?
Ark cheats: Player commands

God – Toggles godmode, protects you from all damage (except drowning)
GiveEngrams – Unlocks all crafting recipes.
DoTame – Tames targeted dinosaur (if it’s tamable)
GiveArmorSet <Tier> <Quality> – Gives you full armor set for the specified tier and equips it.

Ark cheats: Player commands
  • God – Toggles godmode, protects you from all damage (except drowning)
  • GiveEngrams – Unlocks all crafting recipes.
  • DoTame – Tames targeted dinosaur (if it’s tamable)
  • GiveArmorSet <Tier> <Quality> – Gives you full armor set for the specified tier and equips it.