What area of the world is Game of Thrones?

What area of the world is Game of Thrones?

WesterosContinents. Westeros: Located in the far west of the known world, Westeros extends southwards from the northern polar icecap for approximately 3,000 miles. Most of the continent is unified as a political entity called the Seven Kingdoms, ruled from the King on the Iron Throne in the city of King’s Landing.

Where is the Wall Game of Thrones map?

The Wall is a colossal fortification which stretches for 100 leagues (345 miles or 555 kilometers) along the northern border of the Kingdom of the North, separating the realm from the domain of the wildlings who live beyond. The Wall is reported to be over 700 feet tall and is made of solid ice.

What land is Game of Thrones based on?

WesterosThe series mostly takes place in a fictional land called Westeros. In many respects, it may remind you of medieval England, where so many “”knights and castles”” stories that you’re familiar with have taken place. Apr 14, 2011

Where is Winterfell in Game of Thrones?

Winterfell is the capital of the Kingdom of the North and the seat and the ancestral home of the royal House Stark. It is a very large castle located at the center of the North, from where the head of House Stark rules over his or her people.

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Which are the 7 kingdoms in got?

Most of the story takes place on the continent of Westeros and in a large political entity known as the Seven Kingdoms. Those kingdoms are spread across nine regions: the North, the Iron Islands, the Riverlands, the Vale, the Westerlands, the Stormlands, the Reach, the Crownlands, and Dorne.

Is Game of Thrones is a real story?

A Song of Ice and Fire, along with its TV adaptation, Game of Thrones, is a fantasy series. So here’s a look at the bloody, twisted, and unfortunately true history that inspired A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones. … Nov 3, 2017

Is Winterfell based on York?

Northern England is a combination of Yorkshire and Northumberland. With York being Winterfell. It’s not based on anything in the real world, just roughly inspired by it. Mar 11, 2019

Why is got British?

Is Game of Thrones American or British? – Quora. The books are written by an American (George R. R. Martin) and the TV show is made by an American company (HBO). Actors’ accents and filming locations are the only ways that the show is even remotely British.

Where do the Dothraki live?

EssosThe Dothraki are a race of nomadic horse-mounted warriors in Essos, the continent to the east of Westeros across the Narrow Sea. They inhabit the vast central plains of Essos, known as the Dothraki sea. Their bond with horses is such that Dothraki are said to be born, fight, and die in the saddle. May 18, 2018

Where do the Starks live?

House Stark of Winterfell is a Great House of Westeros and the royal house of the Kingdom of the North. They rule over the vast region known as the North from their seat in Winterfell.

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Where did Arya Stark go?

One year into her journey, Arya will arrive at Asshai by the Shadow, beginning the next chapter in her adventure—one that could uncover the still-unexplored mysteries of Quaithe, Melisandre, and perhaps even the adventurer Arya is unknowingly following: Elissa Farman. May 19, 2020

Who are the Free Folk?

The Free Folk is the self-given name for the people who live in the lands beyond the Wall, still on the continent of Westeros but beyond the northern border of the Seven Kingdoms.

What is Castle Black in Game of Thrones?

Castle Black is the primary headquarters and redoubt of the Night’s Watch. It is located roughly halfway along the length of the Wall on its southern side, at the northern end of the Kingsroad. It is a dark and chilling home to its garrison..