What beats shadow in Prodigy?

What beats shadow in Prodigy? Shadow element is weak against: Astral. element spells.

Shadow element is weak against: Astral. element spells.

Can you catch the crystal monster in Prodigy?

Crystal Monsters can be of either the Shadow or Ice elements. Crystal Crash is known to be forbidden. It may be possible to catch Crystal Monsters sometime in the future.

What happens when you beat the puppet master in Prodigy?

The Puppet Master floats anywhere around the surface of the ground/water. He can summon monsters or use spells with dark purple animations. In the “Epics” trailer, he is in the sky when the Epics defeat him, but now he has returned, but the Epics are stone.

What beats shadow in Prodigy? – Related Questions

Is the puppet a boy or a girl?

While it was confirmed that Puppet’s soul is female, both The Freddy Files and Ultimate Custom Night confirm that The Puppet himself is a male.

Who did the bite of 87?

The Bite of ’87 was an incident that occurred in 1987 at the New Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, during the last shift of Jeremy Fitzgerald, when he was bitten by Toy Bonnie in the forehead, drastically damaging the frontal lobe.