What can you mix with beer in Little Alchemy 2?

What can you mix with beer in Little Alchemy 2?
Complete Element Combination List for Little Alchemy 2

Resulting Element
Ingredient Combination(s)

animal, flower / animal, garden

house, bee / tree, bee / forest, bee / wall, bee / wood, bee / bee, container

human, beehive / farmer, beehive / human, bee / farmer, bee

wheat, alcohol

Complete Element Combination List for Little Alchemy 2
Resulting Element Ingredient Combination(s)
Bee animal, flower / animal, garden
Beehive house, bee / tree, bee / forest, bee / wall, bee / wood, bee / bee, container
Beekeeper human, beehive / farmer, beehive / human, bee / farmer, bee
Beer wheat, alcohol