What causes the Joker smile?
What causes the Joker smile? The distinctive joke ‘smile’ occurs when the corners of the top lip are pulled up by muscles in the cheeks, while the rest of the lip remains static. This is because the top lip, injected with filler, can’t move naturally. Therefore, the movement at the corners of the mouth is much more pronounced.
What did the jokers dad do to him?
According to the Joker, his father was “a drinker and a fiend”. Joker claimed that his father gave him his cheek scars due to his being terrified when his father brutally stabbed his mother sadistically with a kitchen knife when she attempted to use to defend herself.
Why does the Joker lick his lips?
The film, as pointed out by Digital Spy, reveals the lip-licking was Ledger’s way to try and keep his prosthetic scars from coming loose. Apparently, the make-up used to create the Joker’s infamous facial scars would begin to slip off when he talked.
What was Joker’s laughing condition?
The condition known as pseudobulbar affect (PBA) is characterized by brief uncontrollable outbursts of crying or laughter that are incongruent with the patient’s feelings of sadness or joy.