What cool things can Siri?

What cool things can Siri?
15 Awesome Things You Didn’t Know Siri Can Do For You

Raise To Speak. Typically, a user activates Siri by pressing and holding the Home button on the iPhone.
Post To Twitter Or Facebook.
Search For Tweets.
Change It.
Siri Can Do Math.
Save Directly to Evernote.
Location Based Reminders.
Convert Measurements.

15 Awesome Things You Didn’t Know Siri Can Do For You
  • Raise To Speak. Typically, a user activates Siri by pressing and holding the Home button on the iPhone.
  • Post To Twitter Or Facebook.
  • Search For Tweets.
  • Change It.
  • Siri Can Do Math.
  • Save Directly to Evernote.
  • Location Based Reminders.
  • Convert Measurements.