What did the T-virus do to Alice?

What did the T-virus do to Alice? One of the two survivors of the Hive, she was captured by Umbrella and experimented on by Sam Isaacs, Timothy Cain and William Birkin. Transformed by the t-virus, Alice gained superhuman strength, superhuman speed, superhuman agility, rapid mental rates, fast regeneration & anti-aging.

One of the two survivors of the Hive, she was captured by Umbrella and experimented on by Sam Isaacs, Timothy Cain and William Birkin. Transformed by the t-virus, Alice gained superhuman strength, superhuman speed, superhuman agility, rapid mental rates, fast regeneration & anti-aging.

Is Claire Redfield Alice?

Claire, played by Kaya Scodelario, is a lead protagonist in the reboot film Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City (2021), which does not include the Alice character of the original film series.

Who is Alice a clone of Resident Evil?

The Final Chapter

Isaacs indicates that all of these dead clones had also opposed him and Umbrella before they were killed. While meeting with the real Dr. Isaacs, Alice learns that she herself is in fact a clone of Alicia Marcus.

Is Alice immune to the virus?

Alice has the rage virus teeming in her blood but is immune to its effects. However she is a carrier who could infect others with her saliva or blood. The commanding officer, Stone (Idris Elba), orders Alice executed even though she could hold the secret to curing the virus.

What did the T-virus do to Alice? – Related Questions

Did Alice lose her powers in Resident Evil?

In Resident Evil: Afterlife, Alice loses her powers. that’s right, Loses her powers.