What do I do with Luiza’s necklace?

What do I do with Luiza’s necklace? Examine Luiza’s Necklace and you’ll take the Necklace Stone out of the item, which can be sold. Then examine the item once again and you’ll get Luiza’s Key. This can then be used to unlock a small box in the ruins along the Lone Road. You will be given Cesare’s Goblet, which can be sold to the Duke.

Examine Luiza’s Necklace and you’ll take the Necklace Stone out of the item, which can be sold. Then examine the item once again and you’ll get Luiza’s Key. This can then be used to unlock a small box in the ruins along the Lone Road. You will be given Cesare’s Goblet, which can be sold to the Duke.
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