What does guild deputy do?

What does guild deputy do?

Guild Ranks Besides from the member rank, the leader can assign 1 deputy and several officers. By more than 10 days of inactivity of the guild leader, the deputy can claim the leader rank for himself. Feb 12, 2022

How do AFK Arena guilds work?

A player may create a guild for the cost of 500 diamonds. Players in a guild who complete daily quests will contribute to the guild, rewarding the guild with activity points, which can be spent for unlocking a special guild hunt that has better rewards.

How do I join a starry love guild?

To join a guild, you must first find the guild you wish to join using Guild Search, view the Guild Details, and then send a Join Request to the leader of that guild. You can request to join a guild only when you are not already in another guild.

What time does AFK Arena reset?

00:00 UTC The game is reset at 00:00 UTC time every day, and the weekly quests are refreshed every Sunday.

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How good is Angelo AFK arena?

He is good at supporting a designated carry hero of a player’s choice, given that the carry hero will always be the hero that has the highest attack rating. Angelo’s ultimate ability “”Love and Peace”” damages a large radius of enemies and prevents them from performing melee attacks.

What is the best deck in AFK arena?

AFK Arena Best Teams that Wreck Hard! [Top 10] Gwyneth + Arthur + Hendrik + Rosaline + Ferael. … Zolrath + Lyca + Gwyneth + Lorsan + Eironn. … Talene + Rowan + Ezizh + Mehira + Elijah & Lailah. … Lucretia + Zaphrael + Raine + Estrilda + Hodgkin. … Eironn + Skriath + Lyca + Lucretia + QUEEN. More items… • Jan 25, 2022

How good is Brutus AFK arena?

Brutus is one of the strongest heroes in the game. If there was an MVP of AFK Arena, it would be him. Everything about Brutus just synergies really well together. The combination of increased damage at low HP while also being completely immune to everything when receiving a fatal blow is extremely strong.

Is Belinda good in AFK Arena?

Belinda is a strong burst hero with one of the highest crit rates in the game. Her ultimate ability can deal a huge amount of damage in a very short window, which synergies well with heroes such as Raine. She can buff up to 2 allies with attack rating and crit, making her a decent support as well.

How do you get joker in AFK Arena?

Go to the Dimensionals tab, click on the Exchange option, and you will see the number of resources you need in order to get Joker in AFK Arena. You will need 4,000 hero coins, 4,000 guild coins, 4,000 Labyrinth tokens, or 13,333 Gladiator coins to get one copy of Joker. Jan 11, 2021

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What does Soul Fusion do in AFK Arena?

Soul Fusion All Dimensional heroes can be fused together with any non-dimensional faction hero. Once fused, the dimensional hero will share the same Ascension tier and level as the non-dimensional target hero. Any resources used to normally level up a dimensional hero will be returned to you when they become fused.

Who is the best Graveborn in AFK Arena?

Best DPS Heroes in “”AFK Arena”” Faction Hero Type Graveborn Shemira DPS Wilders Eironn AoE, CC, DPS Lightbearer Gwyneth CC, DPS Hypogeans Ezizh CC, DPS, Buffer, Tank 27 more rows • Jul 11, 2020

Who should I stargaze for AFK Arena?

Stargazing Priority Recommendations for Beginners (updated april… Twins (2 copies for Abyssal Expedition) – For Twisted Realm Bosses & Abyssal Expedition. Mortas (2 copies for Abyssal Expedition) – For Twisted Realm Bosses & Abyssal Expedition. Lucretia/ Alna Ascended – (elaborations below) More items… • Apr 15, 2021

How do you get a legendary in AFK Arena?

You get legendary tier heroes at Rare rarity (sometimes at Elite rarity) and ascended tier heroes at Elite rarity. They need to be ascended to higher rarity to level up past their respective level caps.