What does the ILOVEYOU virus do?

What does the ILOVEYOU virus do? ILOVEYOU works via email, specifically via a malicious email attachment. When the affected user opens the attachment, their action instantly downloads the worm into their system without their knowledge and starts spreading it across the network.

ILOVEYOU works via email, specifically via a malicious email attachment. When the affected user opens the attachment, their action instantly downloads the worm into their system without their knowledge and starts spreading it across the network.

How was the ILOVEYOU virus stopped?

Sky quickly took the server offline, which stopped at least part of the virus in its tracks. Without the servers to send information to — and it appears the virus’s author was never able to access what was sent to the server, or at least act upon it — ILOVEYOU became purely an engine of chaos and destruction.

What is the first virus?

Research on viruses has been recognized with several Nobel Prizes. Viruses attack both animals and plants. Tobacco plants are damaged sometimes with mosaic-like patterns on the leaves. These patterns are caused by the tobacco mosaic virus, which at the end of the 19th century became the first virus ever discovered.

Does the iloveyou virus still exist?

James Moore, senior consultant of MWR InfoSecurity: “It’s been 20 years since phishing first originated, and 15 years since the ILOVEYOU bug wormed its way into mailboxes on May 4, yet still criminals use these methods to gain access to organisations. Why? Because, remarkably, they still work.

What does the ILOVEYOU virus do? – Related Questions

Who created love virus?

Onel de Guzman