What does UU mean in Pokemon Showdown?

What does UU mean in Pokemon Showdown?

UnderusedOU (Overused) UU (Underused) RU (Rarely Used) NU (Never Used)

What is Megas for all in Pokemon Showdown?

Megas for All is a project that aims to create unique Mega Evolutions for every fully evolved Pokémon. This is a National Dex-based meta, so all Pokémon and moves will be usable provided that they are available in either Generation VII or Generation VIII. Sep 28, 2020

What is OU Pokemon Showdown?

OU, or ‘Over Used’ is the main usage tier, allowing most combinations of Pokemon, moves, and items, with certain bans made with the goal of making the metagame (the state of the game as created and modified by the players, encompassing team composition, item usage, play-styles, etc.)

What is PokePaste?

PokePaste PokePaste is a simple pastebin, with a clean interface, that supports highlighting of the syntax created by Pokemon Showdown. This syntax has become a standard, and is supported by multiple tools, yet no pastebin (up until now) has had support for syntax-highlighting it.

Can you dynamax in Pokémon Showdown?

Preliminary rules are like OU, but with all past-gen Pokémon and moves legal. You can only Dynamax if you can’t Mega evolve or use Z-moves.

Can you add friends on Pokémon Showdown?

After many years of requests, we have finally rolled out our version of a friends list! You can use /friend add to add a friend, /help friends to see how you use it, and all the details you can want can be found here. Happy friending! Jul 21, 2021

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How do you forfeit in Pokémon Showdown?

there is a forfeit button already, it’s the x on the battle tab (on the top) – you click it and it asks if you want to forfeit, exactly as you describe. There’s also the /forfeit command you can end in chat. Aug 22, 2019