What happens if you report someone on Lichess?

What happens if you report someone on Lichess?

If you report someone on Lichess your report will be forwarded to the moderators. This process might take a day or two. The moderator then will look at your report and decide if there need to be actions taken. They may send a warning for first time offenses or minor offenses.

How do I link Lichess to discord?

-connect [lichess username] → connect your Discord profile with your Lichess account. -rating [username | user url] → show all chess ratings. When connected with -connect you can use this command without giving a username. -profile [username] → show a lichess user profile.

Can you get banned in Lichess?

If you are banned you need to use lichess.org/appeal. It is only allowed to create a new account to use it for good reasons. For example: a berserk account to berserk all the time, a blindfold account to play blindfold. This is because if you do these on your main account you will lose a lot of rating points. Aug 6, 2021

Are Lichess bans permanent?

It is until they are given a second chance. If they aren’t give a second chance, then it’s permanent. Nov 12, 2020

How do I get a title on Lichess?

Do you have to win the winter marathon or any other marathon? or do you have to cross a certain amount of rating on lichess.org to get a GM or IM title? GM is a FIDE title. You need to get it playing FIDE Tournaments. LM is the only title given on Lichess. Jan 3, 2021

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Can you become a master on Lichess?

“”Can I get the Lichess Master (LM) title? No. This honorific title is unofficial and only exists on Lichess. We rarely award it to highly notable players who are good citizens of Lichess, at our discretion. Feb 25, 2021

How do I get the IM title?

To become an International Master (IM) The conditions are similar to GM, but less demanding. The minimum rating for the IM title is 2400. To qualify for a FIDE Master (FM) title a player must achieve a FIDE Rating of 2300 or more. Candidate Master (CM) is similar to FM, but with a FIDE Rating of at least 2200. Jan 10, 2021