What illegal activity does Katniss participate in doing?

What illegal activity does Katniss participate in doing? What illegal activity does Katniss participate in doing? Why does she do this? Katniss participates in hunting in the woods outside of District 12. She hunts to feed her family and get money to by necessities like clothes, soap, needle and thread, medicine etc.

What illegal activity does Katniss participate in doing? Why does she do this? Katniss participates in hunting in the woods outside of District 12. She hunts to feed her family and get money to by necessities like clothes, soap, needle and thread, medicine etc.

Which district is the richest in The Hunger Games?

According to the CapitolPN, District 1 has 82 factories in operation with a population of 24,315, making it the ninth largest district, in terms of population. According to the Capitol.PN, District 1 claims 1,693 in tesserae, less than any other district, making it the richest in Panem.

Why did District 13 get destroyed?

The Capitol would use the decimated ruins of District 13 as propaganda to showcase the consequences for rebelling against the government. With the total loss of support from District 13, their primary military benefactor, the remaining districts could not hope to further resist against the Capitol forces.

What does Katniss mean by a hollow day?

Katniss reflects that she is having a “hollow day”—a day when no amount of food seems to be enough to satiate her hunger. Katniss eats the fish and “groosling” that she hunted earlier that day, rationalizing her decision because she knows she can always hunt for more food.

Why did coin bomb Prim?

Coin couldn’t control her and she was no longer useful as the symbol for the rebellion, so she wanted her out of the way. Destroying the thing she loves most was her attempt to make her either careless about her own life or to go more or less insane.

Why did the capitol let Peeta go?

Unbeknownst to the team, however, Peeta Mellark had been hijacked by aversion therapy and tracker jacker venom, and President Snow intended upon using him as a weapon against Katniss Everdeen. This explains why the Capitol allowed the rescue team to escape unharmed.