What is a best anime name?

What is a best anime name?
Here are some excellent best male anime names.

Haruki: One who shines brightly.
Elric: means king and is derived from Elric Brothers.
Daisuke: Means the great one.
Arata: Fresh or new, from the series known as Arata: The Legend.
Akatsuki: Red moon.
Akatsuki: Japanese for the red moon.

Here are some excellent best male anime names.
  • Haruki: One who shines brightly.
  • Elric: means king and is derived from Elric Brothers.
  • Daisuke: Means the great one.
  • Chouko.
  • Chiyoko.
  • Arata: Fresh or new, from the series known as Arata: The Legend.
  • Akatsuki: Red moon.
  • Akatsuki: Japanese for the red moon.