What is a FRIV?

The most information you’ll find about FRIV is a search engine description that says it’s “”a safe place to play the very best free games.”” The site itself contains almost no text — the homepage is comprised of dozens of tiny images that link to games users can play. Nov 5, 2015

Why do my animals keep disappearing in Minecraft?

The most likely cause of despawning is death by suffocation, so make sure you keep them away from walls. so that Why did my tamed horse Despawn? The horses are not tied up with rope and they can be wild or tamed.

Why did my purple iris turn yellow?

The most likely cause of the bloom color change is accidental exposure to an herbicide. Sometimes when we apply weed killer the chemical can drift over to unintended targets. In the case of bearded iris, the exposure can alter the color and shape of the flowers even before they emerge. Oct 13, 2014

What language is Olly olly oxen free?

The most likely explanation for the phrase is that it is a corruption of the German “Alle, alle auch sind frei” which, when translated, means “Everyone, everyone also is free.” Mar 7, 2011

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Where is Drogon now?

The most likely of these, which has been speculated since the finale, is that Drogon went back to Valyria. This is where dragons originated, after all, and Drogon was flying around there in season 5, so it’s somewhere he’s familiar with. Oct 18, 2020

Why does Netflix keep stopping?

The most likely reason that Netflix is stopping or pausing is because of your internet connection. The best way to check the speed of your connection is to use Fast.com, which is Netflix’s own speed test. It’s also available as an app for iOS and Android. Jul 13, 2021

What makes Botw different?

The most momentous thing about Breath of the Wild is that it offers a real glimpse into a type of game that has gone mostly unexplored in the gaming industry, a form of open world gameplay that’s way more advanced than the one commonly found in other mainstream games, a type of game that makes series like Red Dead … Feb 1, 2019

What’s the most money won on the weakest link?

The most money won on the original NBC version was $189,500 on the Tournament of Losers special (also making it the most money ever won on the show worldwide). The lowest won was $22,500 on the Fear Factor Champions special.

Is there violence in Animal Crossing?

The most notable omission is violence. Animal Crossing is a game centred around unleashing the player’s creativity and encouraging them to nurture their relationships with other characters, and so does not have any fighting elements to it.

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What is the highest XP heist in PAYDAY 2?

The most notorious XP farming heist known amongst the Payday community is ‘Cook-Off. ‘ In this mission, you and your crew are responsible for cooking and securing meth. The amount of meth you can gather in this mission is practically limitless. It is possible to attain up to 1,200 bags of meth, theoretically speaking. Jul 1, 2021

Is a mouse better than a controller?

The most obvious advantage of a mouse over a controller is that it can make aiming easier. In a first person shooter, or any game where accuracy is important, a mouse is usually a competitive advantage, and facilitates easier execution of reaction-based shooting, like flickshots.

Why is mouse better than controller?

The most obvious advantage of a mouse over a controller is that it can make aiming easier. In a first person shooter, or any game where accuracy is important, a mouse is usually a competitive advantage, and facilitates easier execution of reaction-based shooting, like flickshots.

Why is duck hunting important?

The most obvious answer is that waterfowl hunters are an important source of revenue for state and federal conservation programs. Financial support from duck and goose hunters has been a foundation of wetlands conservation ever since the federal duck stamp was first issued in 1934.