What is a soft g word?

What is a soft g word? Some soft g words include gym, age, gentle, giant, germ, genius, bridge, huge, angel, and danger.

Some soft g words include gym, age, gentle, giant, germ, genius, bridge, huge, angel, and danger.

What letters come after G word?

The letter “g” comes close to following a phonics rule similar to the one for the letter “c.” For example, it is always pronounced /g/ unless it is followed by an “e,” “i” or “y.” Thus, we have game, got, and gum, as well as glad, grand, and rugby.

What is a hard k?

Forming the /k/ sound with C. The letter C can form either a “hard” sound (/k/) or a “soft” sound (/s/). C most often produces the hard /k/ sound when it come before the vowels A, O, and U; when it is followed by the consonants L, R, and T; or when it is the last letter of a word with two or more syllables.

Why are cats not Spelt as Kat?

Because the word “cat” is derived from Latin, which doesn’t have a letter K, and the word “kitten” is derived from Middle English, which obviously does.

What is a soft g word? – Related Questions

How did Romans pronounce c?

c is pronounced k: cantus (kahn-toos). cc before e, i, y, ae, oe is pronounced tch: ecce (eht-cheh).