What is best Dragon type Pokémon?

What is best Dragon type Pokémon?
The 10 Best Dragon-Type Pokémon, According To Ranker

8/10 Mega Charizard X.
7/10 Salamence.
6/10 Dialga.
5/10 Dragonite.
4/10 Giratina.
3/10 Rayquaza.
2/10 Garchomp.
1/10 Mega Rayquaza.

The 10 Best Dragon-Type Pokémon, According To Ranker
  • 8/10 Mega Charizard X.
  • 7/10 Salamence.
  • 6/10 Dialga.
  • 5/10 Dragonite.
  • 4/10 Giratina.
  • 3/10 Rayquaza.
  • 2/10 Garchomp.
  • 1/10 Mega Rayquaza.

What Pokémon is a Dragon?

Primary Dragon-type Pokémon
# Name Type 1
384 Rayquaza Dragon
Mega Rayquaza Dragon
443 Gible Dragon
444 Gabite Dragon

What are Dragon types weak to?

Type chart, effectiveness and weakness explained in Pokémon Go
Type Strong Against Weak Against
Psychic Fighting, Poison Steel, Psychic, Dark
Ice Flying, Ground, Grass, Dragon Steel, Fire, Water, Ice
Dragon Dragon Steel, Fairy
Fairy Fighting, Dragon, Dark Poison, Steel, Fire

Is Dragon type strongest type Pokémon?

Dragon-types are some of the strongest Pokemon of all time, but not all of them are as ferocious as each other. We’ve put together a list of the best Dragon-type Pokemon, from Dragonite to Rayquaza. If you ask any trainer which type of Pokemon is the most powerful, they’ll most likely say ‘Dragons’.

What is best Dragon type Pokémon? – Related Questions

Why is Charizard not a dragon?

They also have roughly the same stats and a very similar weakness/resistance chart. So, in order to balance things out, Charizard had to remain a Fire-type Pokémon and couldn’t be a Dragon-type, despite looking like one. The addition of being a dual Flying/Fire-type doesn’t change much in that balance.