What is Bruce Wayne’s address?

What is Bruce Wayne’s address?

1007 Mountain DriveAccording to Batman: The Animated Series, Wayne Manor’s address is 1007 Mountain Drive.

What state is Gotham City in Batman?

state of New JerseyGotham City is traditionally depicted as being located in the U.S. state of New Jersey. Gotham’s look and atmosphere was primarily influenced by New York City and Chicago, although it was designed to more generally resemble any major American city.

Who has played the Joker?

Joker in other media Adaptations of the Joker in other media Actors who have played the Joker. Top: Cesar Romero, Jack Nicholson, Mark Hamill (voice) Centre: Heath Ledger, Jared Leto, Joaquin Phoenix Bottom: Cameron Monaghan (as the Valeskas) Created by Bill Finger Bob Kane Jerry Robinson 5

Who was the first Batman ever?

Lewis WilsonLewis Wilson (‘Batman,’ 1943) Lewis Wilson was the first actor to star as Batman in the 1943, 15-chapter serial Batman. Instead of battling familiar baddies from the comics, Wilson’s Batman fought a villainous Japanese spy (J. Carrol Naish), who was attempting to turn the U.S. population into zombies. Jul 15, 2012

What villain is in Batman Begins?

Victor Zsasz — Batman Begins. 5 days ago

Is Batman Begins the first Batman movie?

The Dark Knight Series is a set of three Christopher Nolan Batman movies. It includes Batman Begins (2005), The Dark Knight (2008), and The Dark Knight Rises (2012).

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How did Batman’s parents get rich?

The Waynes have always been rich. As it turns out, they’re about as old as Old Money gets in America, with a merchant fortune that came over from Europe in colonial times, growing as Gotham City expanded to form the cornerstone of an industrial empire. Jun 9, 2017