What is DL slang?

What is DL slang? Down-low (also “on the down low” or “on the DL”) may refer to any activity or relationship kept discreet. It may refer to: Down-low (sexual slang), Black men who identify as heterosexual but secretly have sex with other men.

Down-low (also “on the down low” or “on the DL”) may refer to any activity or relationship kept discreet. It may refer to: Down-low (sexual slang), Black men who identify as heterosexual but secretly have sex with other men.

What does ABB mean in text?

Text message abbreviations and acronyms
Abbreviation Meaning
AFK Away from keyboard
ABC Already been chewed
ABT About
ADDY Address

What does on the QT stand for?

Definition of on the q.t.

informal. : in a secret or quiet way All the arrangements were made on the q.t. This information is private, so keep it on the q.t.

What’s on the down-low mean?

On the down-low, or on the DL, refers to information that’s kept quiet or under wraps. It emerges in Black slang by the 1990s. Both down and low underscore the slang’s sense of “quiet” and “hushed.” Since at least the early 2000s, down-low refers to men who secretly have sex (on the down low) with other men.

What is DL slang? – Related Questions

What does down mean in slang?

As an adjective the word down can mean to be sad and depressed. It can be used in a conversation as I am feeling very down today.