What is face value of SEC Championship tickets?

What is face value of SEC Championship tickets? Rivalry games will typically see an increase in SEC Football Championship ticket prices by at least 25-50%. Throughout the season, the average price of SEC Football Championship tickets will be around $2068.00, while the lowest price is $540.00 and the highest price is $51319.00. Don’t miss out on the next game!

Rivalry games will typically see an increase in SEC Football Championship ticket prices by at least 25-50%. Throughout the season, the average price of SEC Football Championship tickets will be around $2068.00, while the lowest price is $540.00 and the highest price is $51319.00. Don’t miss out on the next game!

Do they sell beer at the SEC Championship game?

Alcoholic beverage sales are limited to beer and wine only (no hard liquor or mixed drinks may be sold in public seating areas)

How much are UGA Alabama tickets?

The average price of Alabama-Georgia tickets is $481.0.

How much are Georgia Alabama tickets?

Tickets are available for as a low as $329 on Seat Geek and the cheapest tickets on Ticketmaster are listed at $425.

What is face value of SEC Championship tickets? – Related Questions

How much were tickets to the NCAA championship game?

Prices for Monday night’s national championship game between the University of Kansas and UNC are starting at $24, down from $123 before the match-up was set. The median price is now $84.50 — less than day-of tickets for the final game in 2019 and 2021. The games in 2020 were canceled because of the pandemic.