What is Kansas City Chiefs mascot supposed to be?
What is Kansas City Chiefs mascot supposed to be? The Chiefs’ mascot is a wolf named KC Wolf. It has been around since 1989, but it is not the organization’s first representative — before KC Wolf, there was a live animal mascot discontinued for several reasons, which we’ll get to later in this post.
Are there wolves in Kansas City?
Wolves are rare in Missouri, having been extirpated since the early 1900s; occasional individuals wander here from other states.
Are there cougars in Kansas City?
Mountain lions are only occasionally confirmed in Kansas, according to the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism. The one spotted in Wichita brings the total number of confirmed mountain lions sighted in modern times, or since 2007, in Kansas to 36.
Are there big cats in Kansas?
Kansas sees increasing numbers of mountain lions, black bears and elk. Armadillos and deer? They’re everywhere. A mountain lion was caught on video last month roaming early one morning through an alley in Wichita, becoming the first of its species to ever make a confirmed appearance in a city in Kansas.